


I’m Alice, a 41-year-old photographer and “newbie” cyclist. I’ve been reading recently of the various “project 365” ideas for 2010. While considering ways to combine my love of photography with my love of cycling, I came up with “cyclingproject365.”        

I hate to work out, but I love cycling. I started cycling in June ’09, but since the weather has turned cold, I’m not riding much. I plan to change that with this project. I’m notorious for joining a gym, going for 3 months, then quitting. So no more. That’s one thing I enjoy so much about cycling. I can ride wherever I want, whenever I want, as far as I want. Alone or with others. Outdoors or indoors (on my bike rollers).        

My original plan for this project was to set a start date, take a photo of myself each day in my cycling gear (fat butt and all – you can laugh if you want…I can’t hear you), and post the photos once a week. Oh, I forgot to mention…I hate having my photo taken, so I’m hoping this project will help get me over that. Well, needless to say, I’ve been more than a little lazy and have not done a good job keeping up with posting a photo each day as I originally intended. Besides, I know no one is really interested in what I look like. Daily posts on this blog will include details of each day’s workout routine (on or off the bike), calories consumed and burned, my starting weight and my daily food journal. Recovery days will also be included. I may also share an occasional video of my bike rides. As I discover interesting cycling articles, product reviews or tips, I’ll share those also. The products I review on occasion are those I’ve purchased with my own money or those I have tried voluntarily. I receive no products (free or otherwise) directly from manufacturers or other vendors. Should this relationship change, I will disclose that information as required by the FTC.       

My hope is that by sharing my journey with others, it will inspire me to commit to the year-long project and will help me become a better cyclist, a better photographer and a healthier, thinner person overall.        

Thanks for joining me on my journey.

2 responses

8 10 2010
Liz & Jen

We are looking for the medallion of Madonna del Ghisallo. Where can we find one?

8 10 2010
Alice - cyclingproject365

Hi Liz & Jen,

I found one on eBay through a link I found on Greg’s Soapbox.
Here’s Greg’s Flickr profile: http://www.flickr.com/people/gargreguan/
and his photo of the Madonna medallion: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gargreguan/3297238103/

I’ve got more information here on this post: https://cyclingproject365.wordpress.com/2010/01/28/day-25-madonna-del-ghisallo-medallions-2/

It’s been a while, but if I recall, I think I emailed Greg to ask about where he got it and he sent me a link to the seller on eBay where he bought his. I can’t remember the seller’s name.

Not sure if this helps or not, but feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Good luck in your search.


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