Day 284: WADA questions Contador’s “tainted meat” excuse

14 10 2010

Ruh roh. The World Anti-Doping Agency apparently doesn’t believe Alberto Contador’s story about tainted meat being the source of the clenbuterol that was found in his system.  He’ll also have to answer for the presence of plastic residue which was also found in his system, possibly indicating a blood transfusion was involved. (For previous posts mentioning this story, check here and here.) One bit of news I haven’t heard about until today, is the accusation that an “anonymous source” from team Astana who claimed that Contador used clenbuterol during the Criterium du Dauphiné earlier this summer. Hmmm.

In a related story, due to the ongoing investigation, both Contador and Alessandro Petacchi will both skip the 2011 Tour de France presentation scheduled for next Tuesday. And in other news, the general director of WADA said today that “some information [about the Lance Armstrong case] will come out of the current inquiries that will be equally as significant as BALCO.”

Today’s food journal:

— Whole wheat english muffin = 2 points
— 1 tbsp peanut butter = 2 points
— 1 banana = 1.5 points

— PB&J on whole wheat = 3 points
— 1 pkg multigrain Sun Chips = 4 points
— 1 cup cantalope = 1 point
— Iced tea = 0 points
— Weight Watchers bite-size brownie = 1 point

— 1/2 cup pasta with olive oil, garlic = 3.5 points

— Skinny Cow ice cream bar = 2 points

Life’s a journey. Enjoy the ride!

…( ) / ( )

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