Day 293: Photos from the Cyclocross Park

23 10 2010

Today Carrick and I rode over to the new cyclocross park that I mentioned in yesterday’s post. As we rode through downtown, we were stopped at one of several traffic lights when we heard someone say something from the car to our left. A little girl stuck her head out the passenger window and said “Hi!” We smiled, said “hi” and waved to her. The man driving also smiled. At the next few traffic lights we stopped beside them again. Each time the kid gave us a big grin. Nice to know not everyone hates cyclists. 🙂

We soon arrived at the cyclocross park just past Tumbleweed on River Road. What a great place! I’m terrible at judging crowd sizes, but there were a lot of people there. Also a few dozen team and vendor tents, in addition to a couple food booths with pizza, hot dogs, hummus and veggies just to name a few things.

The UCI Elite Women’s race started not long after we arrived. Cyclocross looks like fun, but also a lot of hard work. It made me tired just watching them. If you haven’t checked out the park yet, I highly recommend it.    

I had my pocket camera with me today (as I always do on bike rides), so I took several dozen photos. Next time I take my DSLR so I’ll have a good zoom lens. Here are a few shots from today:

Park entrance

The U.S. Gran Prix of Cyclocross

Team and vendor tents.

One of several hills on the course.

Under the steps.

Up the steps.

Big steps for a little kid, but he did a great job.

One of the downhill areas with soft dirt.

Carrying their bikes up the other side.

Pink Specialized

Another area with soft dirt.

A sign at one of the vendor tents. Seemed appropriate for today.

Women's race.

Women's race.

Today’s food journal:

— Rasberry peach smoothie = 4 points

— Turkey sandwich on whole wheat = 6 points
— Diet Coke = 0 points

— Alicha Doro Wot (ethiopian) = (not sure how many points)
— Diet Coke = 0 points

Life’s a journey. Enjoy the ride!

…( ) / ( )

Thanks for visiting.